Uft 12.02 Software Evaluation Installation For Mac

Uft 12.02 Software Evaluation Installation For Mac 3,8/5 7008 votes

HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) is a combined platform of GUI testing API testing to test the front-end (User interface) and back-end of the software application. GUI testing method can be used to test front-end of the software application and API testing method can be used to test back-end of the application. Using UFT, user can test either whole application from start – to – end or can test a particular function and object of an application through the creation of individual actions or components. Later on, user can combine the individual actions or components into a test. HP UFT also facilitates ALM, a centralized quality control solution. User can save tests, components, function libraries and application areas with the ALM project and create them obtainable to several users and testing projects. Why UFT 12.0 installation is more user-friendly, faster and secure than previous versions?


Uft 12.02 Software Evaluation Installation For Mac

UFT 12.00 installation package is very fast and secure than the previous one, just because of,. The size of the installation package is smaller than in previous one, which takes less time to download and install the package.

Because of smaller size, user can install UFT through DVD or Web download package. At the time of installation, user can choose their required Add-in for ALM and the Run Results Viewer. All required configuration can be done at the time of installation only to run the UFT, no longer have to run extra post-installation programs. No need to temporarily disable the User Account Control (UAC) from your computer to install UFT because UFT installation is in-built secure.


No need to install a separate language pack to install UFT because UFT supports many language packages. User can also do a single silent installation without the necessity to run additional installations, involving the following features:. Using single command, all installation prerequisites can be installed, together. No need to install each prerequisiteseparately.All add-ins install with a single silent installation command without restarting the system. The silent installation commands involve UFT configurations and can be run without administrator permissions.

UFT 12.0 facilitates running GUI Tests on a Remote Mac Computer using Safari In UFT 12.0, user can test and run the web applications on a remote Mac computer using safari browser. When user installs UFT with connection agent on remote Mac computer, it facilitates users to run UFT on Mac computer remotely and also facilitates to run web application on the Safari browser. Only required to design the test using UFT supported Windows browser, and can run on mac remote computer using safari browser.

UFT ALM feature: Now, ALM site administrator can set a site parameter that initiates UFT to temporarily upload run results from a run session to ALM. Because of this administrative privilege, the results always be uploaded, or user can use site parameter arguments to identify the condition of each of the uploaded result. After parameter is set, all sites projects can use the parameter when running UFT tests. UFT Interface: UFT interface provides various elements to design, edit, debug, and run testing application. These elements are, Start Page: Welcome page of UFT, provides options to create new testing document and to open the existing one.To reach on this page, First: Go to Start menu, click on All Programs HP Software HP Unified Functional Testing HP Unified Functional Testing. Second: After installation of UFT, the shortcut has been placed on the desktop double-click that to get the start page.

Third: In the opened UFT window, if you are unable to see Start Page, open it by selecting View Start Page. Document Pane: It is a main area which includes three platforms to design and edit testing documents. These three platforms are, 1) Canvas View: The canvas delivers a graphical picture of the test flow. In case of GUI testing,the canvas displays the flow of the action calls created during testing process, involves calls to copies of actions or calls to present actions. In case of GUI testing,the canvas displays a flow of steps created within a test with parameter links stay between steps. User can use Toolbox pane to add steps to the canvas. 2) Editor View: The Editor displays each step of the test in code form and facilitates user to add steps to a document or user code file using VBScript code.

In case of GUI testing,each operation performed on the application during test displays in the form of VBScript coding language. For each object and method in an Editor statement, a consistent row exists in the Keyword View.


Uft 12.02 Software Evaluation Installation For Mac Pro

In case of API testing,the Editor facilitates user to write customized user code for API tests run through test steps or to write custom code which defines the properties and behavior of different test steps. 3) Keyword View: This view facilitates user to generate and view the steps involved in GUI testing or component in a keyword-driven, modular, table format. The Keyword View is included of a table-like view, where each step will display in a separate row of the table, and each column signifies dissimilar parts of the steps. User can modify the columns shown to suit their needs. User can generate and change GUI tests or components by choosing items and operations in the Keyword View and entering information as required.

As soon as user completes the document, immediately all steps get documented, enables user to view an explanation of the test steps in understandable English format. Each process completed on the application during a recording session is recorded as a row in the Keyword View. Values of each row in the Keyboard view, displays in the Editor view as a script. If users focus on exact step in the Keyword View and switch to the Editor, the cursor is located in that corresponding line of the test.

UFT Panes: Delivers information and functionality about the current test, business component, function library or application area. It includes,. UFT Window Layout.

Active Screen Pane. Bookmarks Pane. The Canvas.

Data Pane. Debug Panes. Document Pane. Errors Pane. Output Pane. Properties Pane. Run Step Results Pane.

Search Results Pane. Solution Explorer Pane. Tasks Pane. Toolbox Pane We will be covering all above pane and the layout in the upcoming articles. Conclusion on Overview of HP Unified Functional Testing 12.0: In today’s article we have cover basic overview of the HP Unified Functional Testing 12.0. In the upcoming article we will explain Operation of Record and Playback function, How scripts generate script in all recording modes etc. Happy Testing!!!

There are many used for testing. And in each category, wide range of tools are commercialised by the different companies.

In the category of automation testing tools, many tools like uft, selenium, rational tools and so on are listed. How to choose an automation testing tool becomes a witty decision to make. Selection of automation testing tool for organisation: To introduce the in the organisation, the automation testing tool is first evaluated in a pilot project. During the pilot project, the automation tool is learnt in detail. The guidelines to use the tool are identified.

Then the tool is introduced in the organisation incrementally. Each time, after the project the information is gathered from the software testers. This information can be used for improving the usage guidelines for automation testing tools. The software testers are trained to use the new tools. How to choose an automation testing tool? There are many categories of tools used for testing.Some of the popular testing tools are: 1) Selenium- Apache -: Selenium is popular automated web testing tool and helps you automate web browsers across different platforms.

2)Ranorex – Ranorex GmbH -: Ranorex is one of the more popular commercial tool to build and run automated web and GUI test. 3) SOAP UI- SmartBear Software -: SoapUI is cross- platform functional testing tool. 4) UFT -Micro Focus 5) Rational functional tester- IBM 6) Load Runner- Micro Focus 7) QTP- Hewlett Packard (HP). Test Automation is being considered as the most effective way to enhance coverage, efficiency and effectiveness of any software application.Many companies are using automation tools like uft, selenium, rational etc. Criteria to choose the automation testing tool are: the automation testing tool should meet the project requirement,project cost estimates, ability of vendor of the automation testing tool to provide technical support,training needs within organisation to introduce new tool.

Automation testing tools: UFT by Microfocus, Selenium by Apache and Rational Tools by IBM In order to select the right automation tools, an organization takes the ff into consideration:ability, usability, compatibility, budget of the project, should be a good fit for the organization and that should meet the project requirements, trustworthiness of the vendor, tech support, training needs and evaluation of training efforts. Software testers helps with the identification/evaluation of different tools so they have a lot of inputs in selection process of the right automation tools for the project.The test managers however, will have the last say on the final decision.