Distractions For Teenage Drivers For Mac

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These are the startling statistics that we here at Impact Teen Drivers are trying to change. Education and awareness is the key to changing behavior, so look over the statistics - let them wash over your mind and heart; then jump over to the “Join Us” section as you get off the proverbial fence and join us in our fight to save lives. Teen driver crashes are the leading cause of death for our nation’s youth. The overwhelming majority of these crashes are caused by inexperience or distractions, not 'thrill-seeking' or deliberate risk-taking. In the National Young Driver Survey, 20 percent of 11th grade drivers reported at least one crash over the past year, including 5 percent who experienced two or more crashes. (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2007).

In 2009, 3,242 teens ages 15-19 lost their lives in crashes. (Centers for Disease Control, 2009). Crashes are more common among young drivers than any other age group.

In the United States, 1 in 4 crash fatalities involve someone 16 to 24 years old, nearly twice as high as other age groups. (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia).

The fatality rate for drivers ages 16 to 19, based on miles driven, is three times higher than for drivers ages 20 to 69. (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2010). The crash fatality rate (crash fatalities/100,000 population) is highest for 16- to 17-year-olds within the first six months after licensure — and remains high through age 24.

Distractions for teenage drivers for mac

(Archives of Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2003). 60% of teenage passenger deaths in 2009 occurred in vehicles driven by other teens. (Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, 2009).

Child passengers (under age 16) driven by teenagers (ages 16 to 19) have three times the risk of injury in a crash than children driven by adults. Overall, 9 percent of child fatalities occur with a driver under age 19. (Insurance Institute of Highway Safety).

Older child passengers, ages 12 to 17, are more likely to die in a car crash than younger children. This risk increases with each teenage year. The top three predictors for fatality are non-use of restraints, teen drivers and roads with speed limits of 45 mph or higher. (Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, March 2008).

Getty Images Starting Sunday, Arizona teen drivers will face their first roadblock when it comes to texting and driving. A bill passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Doug Ducey in April 2017 prohibits new drivers younger than 18 from using any wireless devices while holding their learner’s permit and during the first six months of their provisional license.

After a decade of failed attempts to enact a broader ban on texting and driving — because of both logistical and ideological objections from lawmakers — the teen driving bill narrowly passed the Senate and is set to take effect statewide. What does the law do? The law has limited reach. New drivers between the ages of 15½ and 18 will be prohibited from using cellphones while driving, unless in a 'specific emergency situation' or to listen to 'audible turn-by-turn navigation.' If they receive no citations for phone use, nighttime driving, or additional passengers for six months, the law no longer affects them. The restriction falls in the same category as limitations on nighttime driving and driving additional passengers. All three are subject to secondary enforcement, meaning teen drivers must first be pulled over for another violation before an officer can cite them.

A first violation comes with a maximum fine of $75 and an extension of the six-month period by 30 days. A second violation has a maximum fine of $100 and a 60-day extension. Three or more violations warrant a fine of up to $100 and a 30-day license suspension.

Isaac Jones, 23, a Tempe resident who visited the Motor Vehicle Department in Tempe on Tuesday morning, said he supports the new law but thinks enforcement should depend on how the phone is used. 'I think it depends on if (teens) are being pulled over because they glance down at their phone or if they're just staring at it,' Jones said. AAA Arizona spokeswoman Michelle Donati said this is an important restriction and urged families to talk with their teens about safe driving. “Oftentimes teens are very excited to get their license and they really want to create that freedom, but they might not understand how graduated drivers licensing works or how those laws work or how they’re designed to help them,” Donati said. “It’s really all about protecting teen drivers and giving them time to develop their skills in low-risk settings.” Is Arizona doing enough?

Arizona is late to the game when it comes to cellphone restrictions while driving. Many say this is a good first step, but not nearly enough. All but three states ban texting for all drivers, the only exceptions being Arizona, Montana, and Missouri (the latter of which prohibits drivers younger than 21 from texting).

Thirty-eight states and Washington, D.C. Ban any cellphone use by teen drivers, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Charlie Leight/The Republic Beverly Benson, a Tempe Motor Vehicle Department customer, said she thinks it's 'terrible' that Arizona is one of the last states to regulate texting and driving. 'There's so many accidents and deaths, it's horrible. I really feel that these kids are too young and they're playing too much and not concentrating on the road,' she said. Some cities, like Phoenix, Tucson, and Tempe, already have regulations about phones behind the wheel, but this is the first statewide rule.

Until now, the only statewide cellphone-related driving law prohibited school bus drivers from using phones while driving. Karen Fann, R-Prescott, said she had been working on the bill for six years and targeted it specifically at teens to get it passed.

'We knew that we were going to get pushback on this because there had been other attempts with full-out bans on texting and they've never gone anywhere,' Fann said. 'We thought at the very least, let's see if we can at least try to protect the teenagers and the rest of the traveling public from them.' But further legislation may be coming. In February, the Senate Committee on Transportation and Technology unanimously approved a proposed statewide ban on texting and driving — the 12th attempted bill of this sort. The bill never got to a hearing on the floor, however. Fann said she expects a full-on texting and driving ban eventually, especially since cities have continued to enact their own laws.

'At some point, we're going to have to address it on the statewide level, because you cannot have people driving from one end of the state to the other and not knowing what the laws are from one county line or one city line to another.' Patrick Breen/The Republic For now, the restriction applies only to beginning teen drivers. Upon signing the bill into law, Ducey said he believed “public awareness and education campaigns” are generally more effective for driver safety than cellphone bans. For minors, though, he said he would support a broader law to ban texting and driving for all youth. “The state already regulates a number of things when it comes to early driving by teens. And for a good reason,” Ducey wrote in his signing statement. “If we can use the early years of their driving experience as an opportunity to guide them toward safe and responsible habits, that’s a good thing.” Alberto Gutier, director of the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, said Ducey’s support was “a good sign for the future to possibly expand that further.” He emphasized that given teen drivers' inexperience, a regulation like this is vitally important.

'What I see is distracted text messaging and cellphone use — imagine that in combination with people who are speedy, who have been impaired, or to some degree, they're driving recklessly,' Gutier said. 'That's a very horrible combination.' Maggie Wirth of Mesa, said she talks to her two kids, ages 18 and 20, about texting and driving 'all the time' and would support a broader law to ban texting for all behind the wheel.


Distractions For Teenage Drivers For Mac Os

'They say, 'I know, Mom,' but I see them do it. It worries me,' she said. Know the facts: teen texting and driving According to a AAA study on car accidents involving teens, people ages 16 to 19 have the highest crash rate of any drivers in the United States. 59 percent of crashes with a teenager behind the wheel involved some sort of distracting behavior in the six seconds before the accident.

12 percent involved teens using cellphones Donati said AAA hopes this new law will 'generate dialogue and conversation with families about road safety and ultimately create safer roads for everyone in Arizona.' Gutier had a message directly for teens: 'Driving is a privilege, No. 2, people need to drive defensively and people need to pay attention,' he said. 'That's what this law's all about: paying attention while driving because it's not them as much as other people. If they're distracted or not paying attention and other people are doing very unsafe driving, that can cause a crash.' READ MORE:.

How one metro Phoenix city may crack down on cellphone use while driving. Roberts: Is Arizona (finally) ready to ban texting while driving?. Chandler mom's death inspires bill to create harsher car crash penalties.